Parents/Guardians and Student-athletes,
All students can participate in interscholastic sports at Franklin Middle School free of charge.
Student-Athletes are required to:
● submit a Physical Evaluation form before they may begin tryouts/practice, signed/stamped by an authorized medical examiner.
● have a parent/guardian complete the online registration in FOCUS
● be academically eligible. (Based on the previous quarter’s report card, students must have a 2.0 GPA average with no more than one E.)
● demonstrate good sportsmanship and positive citizenship, both on and off the playing field and in the community.
Physical Evaluation Forms:
Physicals are now valid for 14 months from the physical exam date.
Ex: If your new physical exam date is 2/1/24, it expires on 4/1/25. It is strongly suggested that all athletes get a new physical after June 1, 2023.
Physical Examination Form 2024- Must be completed by a physician.pdf
Follow these steps to submit your athletic physical:
1. Print out all pages of the UPDATED 2024-2025 PHYSICAL EVALUATION FORM.
2. Complete sections of the form for the parent/participant before going to the doctor.
3. Have your doctor/authorized medical examiner complete all required sections of the form. They must also sign and stamp the form. If you have had an exam within the calendar year, you may be able to forward these forms to the doctor to complete.
4. Once completed by the Authorized Medical Examiner, upload a copy of your physical into the FOCUS registration system
Parents/Guardians: Log into FOCUS for Sports Registration!
Online Registration:
Register your athlete using the FOCUS registration system- Athletics Registration example updated links.pdf
Athletics Registration Information for Parents.pdf
Parents must have a FOCUS account to register their athlete
If you are having trouble registering, please click the link below for troubleshooting solutions:
Athletic Registration Troubleshooting on Focus.docx
Sports Seasons:
Athletes must have an athletic physical form signed by a doctor and complete the online registration before they can attend the first day of Tryouts/Practices!
Fall Sports:
REGISTRATION opens in August for the following:
Badminton, Cross Country, & Allied Soccer
PRACTICES begin on Tuesday, September 10th
Video- What is Cross Country?
Video- What is Badminton?
Winter Sports:
REGISTRATION opens in October for the following:
Boys Basketball and Girls Basketball, Cheerleading, Allied Bocce.
TRYOUTS begin on November 15th
Video- What is Bocce?
Spring Sports:
REGISTRATION opens in February for the following:
Tennis, Track & Field, Allied Softball.
PRACTICES/TRYOUTS begin March 10th.
Academic Eligibility:
A student-athlete must have at least a 2.0 average GPA and no more than one failing grade (E).
Other potential activities, such as Archery (competitive team - biggest in BCPS) and Intramurals (soccer & volleyball) ...will also be posting important schedules and permission slips required to participate.
If interested, parents and students should join the FMS ATHLETICS Schoology group in order to get updates & announcements regarding these activities. The code to join is: CNDNG-TTW3D

Contact our Athletic Activity Advisor, Ms. Toney, with any questions or concerns [email protected]